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The 12 Week Blogger Course
Chapter 1: Getting your foundations right
Part 1: What makes a successful blog (and how you can replicate it)
Part 2: Assessing your competition (and making sure you're better!)
Part 3: How to make your blog look beautiful (on the cheap)
Part 4: Branding your blog (it's SO important!)
Part 5: Blogging etiquette
Chapter 2: The power of a niche
Part 1: Why is having a niche so important?
Part 2: How to find your niche
Part 3: How to make money from your niche
Part 4: How to make big bucks by reviewing products in your niche
Part 5: The secret blogging style that could transform your blog
Chapter 3: Social media
Part 1: 5 things all your social media channels should have to get more followers, more likes, more engagement and more click-throughs
Part 2: The importance of scheduling your social media + finding the best time to post
Part 3: How to use Pinterest to drive huge amounts of traffic to your blog
Part 4: How to use Twitter like a pro
Part 5: Quick and easy steps to increase your Instagram following
Part 6: Twins That Travel: How we built our Instagram community
Part 7: Advanced Facebook Advertising with Lauren Croft (this is a game changer!)
Chapter 4: Working with brands
Week 4: Introduction to working with brands
Part 1: My #1 secret to working with brands
Part 2: Why brands want to work with bloggers + what they look for in a blogger
Part 3: How to meet contacts from brands
Part 4: Creating the perfect media kit
Part 5: How to write the perfect pitch
Part 6: How to write an awesome report and guarantee brands will want to work with you again
Chapter 5: Press Trips
Week 5: Press Trips
Part 1: A press trip itinerary
Part 2: Press Trip Etiquette
Part 3: How to get on press trips
Part 4: How to ‘do it all’ on a press trip
Part 5: How to create your own press trip + how to approach individual businesses
Part 6: How to get paid for press trips
Chapter 6: Making money through your blog
Part 1: Earning Money Through your Blog
Part 2: The path to a 6-figure blog
Part 3: The Secret to Sponsored Posts
Part 4: How to upsell like a boss
Part 5: How to turn spammy emails into money makers
Part 6: Using Affiliates
Part 7: How to make money through writing for brand blogs
Part 8: How bloggers earn money in ways you didn’t know was possible
Part 9: Advanced affiliate marketing with Becky Moore
Chapter 7: Grow your blog in your lunch break
Introduction: Grow your blog in your lunch break
Part 1: A quick and easy way to grow your mailing list and social channels
Part 2: My top tip for blogging with limited time
Part 3: How to whizz through your emails like a pro
Part 4: Tips to improve productivity
Part 5: Outsource your tasks and free up time to focus on what’s important
Part 6: Final tips to speed up your blogging
Chapter 8: Networking and finding your tribe
Week 8: Networking and Finding your Tribe
Part 1: How to make the most out of big conferences and networking events
Part 2: How to find blogger events to attend
Part 3: ‘Connecting’ with other bloggers online
Part 4: How to network if you don’t live in a big city
Part 5: The importance of creating a tribe of readers, not just followers
Chapter 9: How to increase your readership
Part 1: The simplest strategy to double your traffic
Part 2: How to make sure your audience read more than one page
Part 3: The secret to guest posting
Part 4: The importance of an email subscriber list
Part 5: SEO made simple and sexy
Chapter 10: Creating content your audience will love
Week 10 Introduction: Creating content your audience will love
Part 1: How to rock your editorial calendar
Part 2: The importance of getting personal
Part 3: Creating awesome titles to boost your pageviews
Part 4: Creating viral and shareable content
Part 5: 10 easy tips to create content your audience will love
The 100 Blog Post Challenge
Chapter 11: Photography and videography
Week 11 Introduction: Photography and Videography
Part 1: Advanced photography tips with Lisa Michelle Burns
Part 2: How to dramatically improve your photography right now
Part 3: Defining your photography style
Part 4: Telling a story through photos and creating your image storyboard
Part 5: A beginner’s guide to making videos
Chapter 12: Going pro
Intro to Week 12: Going pro
Part 1: The best thing I EVER did for my blog
Part 2: How to create your blogging business plan
Part 3: Never lose your blogging mojo again!
Part 4: How to know if you're ready to make the leap into full time blogging
Part 5: 10 tips for blogger accounting by Raj from Kona Seven
Part 2: How to dramatically improve your photography right now
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